It is
common knowledge that YOGA is a millenary system, which impacts on our health
and quality of life daily, in a positive manner. It is also a fact that yoga
can be studied and practised on different levels. Nowadays, first and foremost
yoga is more sought after and accepted due to its profound beneficial and
multiple effects on our health. It is a trend now to go to the gym for fitness
exercises or body building, therefore it is also a trend to practise yoga in a
gym. It is better this way than nothing at all:) But, as it can
definitely and easily be noticed, in fitness or body building or in following a
diet and in personal development, etc., everything is designed to follow a
tailor made course, adapted to the built, age, gender, mentality, etc. of each
it is common sense and it is desirable to:
realize what one is;
2. know
what one wants;
3. see
what one can and what one can apply and
4. know
what one needs from life, their organism and their practise at the gym.
other words, it does not suffice to do only push ups or run on the tread
mill (banda rulanta) or eat only red fruit or practise some fitness or body
building programmes or diets. The majority of these programmes are general
recommendations and very few are personalized, adapted to what one really is -
based on the 4 aspects mentioned above. Elaborating this example, it is known
that both in fitness or body building, certain exercises from the whole range
have to be tested gradually; one needs to determine which ones he/she enjoys
and which help. After a while, assimilating and getting used to them, a new
programme is tackled, then a new rhythm and at a different pace, etc. Every
month, every semester, every year, these programmes change, develop towards the
client's goal. The same principle applies: to the diet out of all fruit, vegetables and other foods,
one only prefers certain things to eat, at times; it is a natural thing.
Every person
consumes and assimilates them in a personal way and at their own pace.
order to reach optimal and personalized results, personal dietitians, trainers
and yoga trainers have emerged. They have always existed, but in recent years,
the world became more aware of the major, powerful effects of having a
consultant, an external support, specialized for the client, for his issue and
goals. These experts have dedicated more time than a normal person to studying
these disciplines; through knowledge but more importantly through their direct
experience and self discovery they have managed to assimilate both an amount
and a quality of information that one can access swifter and easier in a more
motivating and exciting way.
This is
the natural question and at the same time one of the major paths that the
current Yoga is heading towards. Humanity is witnessing YIN YOGA or RESTORATIVE
YOGA designed for those who are exhausted or stressed. Or there is yoga for
pregnant women, prenatal Yoga. There are also Yoga for children, for men or
women, for sedentary individuals, or for sportsmen, yoga for different
conditions or illnesses. Going deeper on this path is obvious and natural.
besides the fact that it is trendy, there is also a rising tendency that
reflects a great demand of the ones who practise it, even for beginners. Many
people feel that the mere physical exercises are not enough and they do not
cover all the challenges and energies of life. There are people who practise
yoga at the gym and when they practise it at home, they try as much as they
know and can personalize their yoga practise according to what they want and
like from yoga. Actually, to be assisted personally in Yoga does not constitute
a novelty it has been done for thousand
of years, and with the best of results. Therefore a Tailor made Yoga and a
generalized Yoga, a Yoga for the crowds have co-existed throughout history and
each person can choose freely which path to follow.
It is
similar to seeing a nutritionist, a personal coach, a psychologist or even a
physician; they consult one as a whole and recommend a set of exercises, a
diet, a personal development programme or a prescription according to their
situation or what they want to achieve. One practises for a while, follows
those prescriptions or treatments and afterwards they notice how things evolve
and how they get sorted on that level. The same process occurs in Tailor Made
matters: ones age, every decade, if one ranges from 30 to 40, if one is a man
or a woman, a child, a teenager; if one has practised yoga before, the reason
for which yoga is practised, how long one can allocate to it, when and what it
is practised: Hatha yoga or meditations, in the morning or in the evening, in
the week end, etc. It matters how the yoga session starts, how it is continued
and how it is ended, etc.
other words it is very important to understand what one wants to obtain through
yoga, from ones organism, from ones self, from the universe, etc. It is equally
important to know how to do it, when and how much, and why one does all
It is
also important to apply what one really enjoys and/or what one mostly needs to
attain- an immediate state of inner balance and harmony. A person is the sum of
what one is, needs, a sum of their potential and their mission or in other
words whatever one knows, wants and can do.
personal yoga trainer can assist one in gradually practising and understanding
what one practises and what one needs in order to obtain a state of harmony and
balance and what one intends to attain through yoga.
It is
important to start feeling the 5 fundamental energies of the human being,
equivalent to the first 5 energetic chakras. Is it necessary to start feeling
what chakras are open from birth or what chakras have closed or have been
neglected over time? What are these personal pluses or blockages and what
techniques to apply for them? And then, to notice in time how one feels after
they practise, what techniques and new levels one can achieve from week to
week, from month to month! And then, why not, not to need- maybe only seldom or
at all this external support and to learn the path of deepening their own
unique harmony in this universe. This is how the process of evolution should
look like, in a nutshell.
But if
one analyses every chakra, one will notice that over the years, humans have
developed certain conceptions, habits or even vices that have upset the harmony
regarding functioning and assimilating energies (specific to that chakra) from
the universe towards the organism; afterwards, the balance of other chakras was
interfered with. A very good example would be the imbalance that the wrong
position of the spine can generate to the organs, through certain illnesses. If
one chakra does not function well, it shows that the humans only absorb very
little of the subtle energies of the macro-cosmic life, from the universe. In
order to restore this balance, one needs to apply a dedicated, punctual and
objective programme, adapted to the specific issue or that level. A holistic approach is also necessary. In
other words, if one has done something wrong to their organism, one cannot
expect to fix it in a week. At the same time, for those who do not suffer any
physical illnesses, they can obtain results and psychic abilities through yoga,
which are far superior to their innate gifts!
a tailor made yoga is literally practised when one starts to feel and control
the energy of the chakras, of the basic elements in the organism: from the
earthly energy vitality, to the water
energy- the erotic one, to the fire one- of the digestive fire, to the air one-
of love, to the void one- of the refinement and to the consciousness energy
from the individual level and then macro cosmic one, belonging to the last 2
force centres; these energies are modulated in the 5 subtle bodies, through the
3 general tendencies of the matter, the Gunas. This would be a good start.
Feeling these energies, one will learn to differentiate, to absorb, to
accumulate, alchemize and control far bigger and more profound energies in the
organism, in the being and consciousness. These energies will maintain one (as
long as possible and on different levels) in states of depth, intensity and
spiritual illumination, in states of health, harmony, ecstasy, bliss and
happiness; this way, the highest energies and principles from the universe harmony, beauty, truth, sacredness will pass
through ones being and life
It is
preferable for each individual who practises Yoga to acquire and develop in
time a tailor made Yoga, as each person has an intimate, unique, personal path
in life and of spiritual evolution. It is obviously known that even the
ultimate enlightenment does not occur in a group, but individually, directly
between one person and God, without any go between. Even if up to that point
one can have friends to practise with and learn Yoga together, from time to
time- whatever ones practises on his own, his personal Yoga matters and brings
forth the best results. It is even forbidden to share ones experience and
practise of Yoga with people who do not share ones profound levels of
friendship, communication, intimacy, admiration and mutual respect!
it is essential to structure the Yoga practise from at least three points of
view, that would answer these 3 questions:
1. How
much can I evolve, on all levels of my being, compared to everything that I am
and what I came with in this life time, from my potential, and how much can I
reach it- what percentage?
2. What do
I do daily for my physical bodys health
and not only- so that with the passing of each day, year I can maintain
or improve my health- and consequently the length and the quality of my life,
from now up to the end?
3. How
much health, long life, harmony, freedom and happiness can I obtain, here and
now and from this point forward, through the Yoga practise, on my path towards
perfection, towards God?
tailor made Yoga, one gradually receives some postures, adapted to ones
structure, the most useful ones to give
one energy, balance, harmonize themselves. Every posture that is practised is
analysed before and after execution, together with the personal yoga trainer;
every state and energy, blockage or openness that is experienced or occurred as
a result of the practise is analysed. When a barrier is reached, the angle is
changed and a new approach is proposed, then both trainer and client come back,
other solutions are found until things are solved. More successive and
personalized Yoga programmes will be practised, so that each client can
understand why that step is taken, and how the energy flows, and so the client
can continue on his own in the future, as well.
It goes
without saying that a holistic approach has to be exercised, first and foremost
through Yoga techniques but if necessary, through purifying, detox or dietary
yogi techniques, mental or bio-energetic ones, of visualisation or of self
Yoga teaches one that a balance has to be reached, a harmony on a certain level
or concerning one issue, then another level of balance has to be reached, and
gradually so on and so forth, to be able to take the next step, in a balanced
and efficient way. These short states of harmony and balance will multiply,
will amplify and will solve other issues, indirectly. After each session the
client has to feel better, more harmonious, more balanced, more energised, and
more spiritual! This is the most important thing for me, and throughout the
years, the satisfactions and the results were beyond any expectations! And this
is because any person can benefit from Yoga, and because every person practises
Yoga techniques unconsciously! I can prove this to anyone!
Can a Tailor made Yoga be practised online?
It is
desirable to be practised directly, but an online, video/ audio Skype session
can be used, at least a part of the session, and from time to time a face to
face practice is necessary. But, due to the fact that sometimes, the distance
and time constitute a real issue for many people, this method becomes more and
more common, and the huge advantages surpass the few shortcomings. And here, I
can add that a Yoga session can be arranged at the best, convenient time for
the client. And if something unexpected occurs, it is possible to cancel it 5
minutes before the starting time, and to reschedule for a later date. And last
but not least, I believe it is important that every person can choose a certain
time frame, as long as he feels to continue and can take a break or stop as he
It is
important to have a preliminary phone conversation for the first time, before
scheduling an appointment, to talk around 20 minutes in order to get to know
each other, to find out what the issues are, what the goals are, and to realize
if I can assist or not. There were very few cases when I chose my clients and I
declined others. In most cases, the clients were content, they returned and
recommended me to their friends. This is the best and the most efficient
tailor made yoga called Harmony Yoga that I teach includes and uses parts and
techniques from all the other types of Yoga: Hatha yoga, Agni Yoga, Kriya Yoga,
Atma Yoga, Flow Chakra Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, Kundalini
Yoga, Vinayasa Yoga, Yantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Yoga
Nidra, Raja Yoga, Swara Yoga, Siddha Yoga, Zen Yoga, Yoga Partner and Acro
The optimal clauses would be:
- It is important to close the circle or in other words
to continue the spiral of evolution for one s being, and to take, use these
huge energies, awoken through Yoga practise, in order to ones rejuvenation and
expansion, of ones gifts and abilities, in order to fulfil the spiritual
mission in this lifetime! One cannot have one without the other!
- It is important to check ones level of health all the
time, and the level of inner harmony achieved, both as a client, on his own,
and indirectly, through friends, family, other more evolved practitioners, etc.
This should reflect in ones harmonious and efficient way of involvement,
socially, family wise, financially, not just spiritually.
- It is important to understand that as above, so below,
and the other way around, and the more one evolves spiritually, the more one
can influence the others more beneficially and more profoundly; and humbleness,
ones inner strength, the state of love, devotion and compassion increase
- It is important to notice how ones spiritual
prosperity does not exclude but generates even and attracts the material
prosperity- both of them have a climax, charity and generosity, both material
and spiritual.
- And last but not least, through direct practise, one
has to check all the time, his state of freedom and discernment, of verticality
and morality, the Yoga information and techniques received; to have as many
independent sources and opinions on a topic as possible, not to trust
everything, to have people with whom to discuss certain Yoga info, to be able
to check them, both in the national and international Yoga environment, either
online or directly.
- It is important to share freely with others who are
seeking, the experience and the info about Yoga, to quote the sources and the
authors who have inspired one; and if one wished to teach Yoga as well, it is
natural that only ones time and effort should be remunerated fairly and not to
sell Yoga information for money!
Tailor made Yoga practise Advantages:
- the client and the personal Yoga trainer identify some
needs, aspirations, adequate techniques and some personal results to be
achieved and obtained then, the client is permanently and carefully supported
and checked, until he reaches those quantifiable goals- and moreover, the
client is assisted in a non intrusive, sincere and discreet manner, and when he
does not need any guidance, he will be able to practise on his own, or if he
feels he needs a break, he can stop at any time.
- the personal yoga trainer can recommend a client the
best techniques that assist him the most, when one most needs them or during
their evolution; the client will notice this in their own personal practise,
from one week to the next, through personalized yoga programmes. This way, the
clients Nadis, chakras and even petals of chakras will be awoken (this occurs
at advanced levels through Yoga of the Eternal Petals- a type of yoga very
little known in Romania and worldwide, at this point in time). I shall explain
and develop this type of yoga in the following year, together with our Freedom
Yoga Community.
- one quickly realizes the way one needs to practise,
when, how and how much, using what one has to obtain, what one desires or
needs; the course is structured and adapted for one client, as a single
student, not for a whole class- this way, ones time, money and energy are used
only by the client and for the client.
- one can practise a personal level of yoga fully,
compared to what one can do in that moment and for what is immediately needed;
over time, this constant and punctual flow brings the client closer to what one
really wants to become, to be, to feel, to live;
- the stages and the processes of the intimate, inner
transformation or failures, blockages are known and kept confidential only
between the client/student and the personal trainer, not between everybody, the
way it happens in class, in general. The
client immediately receives the proper personalized guidance in order to solve
the specific issues. Afterwards, the client is attentive at his evolution and
at the resolution of these issues, according to their efforts, compared to
their life and not to the class standards.
- one can gain and use the time equivalent for the trip
to the yoga studio in town, through accessing on line sessions, at home,
through Skype (or even on the phone- if the video link is not available or if
someone is in the mountains, without internet connection, and they want to have
a rejuvenating yoga session on top of the mountain).
- it is recommended for the client to: maintain a
vibrant dialogue with other practitioners (more advanced than himself), to be
able to ask questions and initiate discussions in a Yoga community, (open mind,
sharing is caring and standard freedom Yoga), and practise yoga in a group as
well, at least once per month and once per year to take part in a 3-7 day yoga
- and last but not least, the modest price matters (10
Lei for 30 minutes), compared to the market prices generally, and bearing in
mind that the client receives 100% tailor made Yoga assistance, at almost the
same price that some people pay for a group Yoga class.
- the Yoga sessions can be booked for a predetermined
period of time by the client, and they can be stopped or suspended at any time
the client desires.
- the flexibility of the programme when booking or
rebooking the Yoga session (according to the clients availability, or when he
feels that this session is mostly needed; e.g. early in the morning or in the
afternoon, or during the week end).
Cons regarding Yoga practise in a group
- the pace of the personal practise is modulated (for
the most part of the time spent at the gym), according to the lowest pace or at
best according to the average level of the majority of students from that
- one receives and executes some Yoga techniques that
even if they do not have negative impact on the student, they will mostly have
partial and general effects; moreover a list of the trainer who teaches is
following and not a list of the students abilities or/ and needs. At this
point, one needs to be honest with himself and to realize why Yoga is appealing
to the student: is it because one enjoys groups of people where one can meet
other persons with the same ideologies or persons of the opposite sex? in this
case it is ok for the student to practise a club Yoga, for maintenance. Or one becomes aware when new
levels in their own personal and spiritual development need to be achieved and
then approaching a private, tailor made Yoga becomes necessary.
- one never knows who their neighbour is, or who the
other students from the gym are, what their issues are, what motivations bring
them there issues that one can
indirectly assimilate, or wrong behavioural patterns or limiting beliefs that
can be assimilated for years.
- competition levels or envy, inferiority/superiority
states appear, and they will prevent one from deepening their path towards
them-Selves, they will consume ones thoughts, nerves, they can poison the
beautiful states obtained from practising yoga; gradually one may end up
practising a demonic Yoga, where the sole purpose of the practice is to
impress, subdue, manipulate, etc. In this type of Yoga, the ego becomes more
powerful and uses the awoken energies, converting them in future psychic
imbalances or even in mental issues.
As a
conclusion, I want to emphasize once more that I do not draw any comparison
with anyone, nor do I make any reference to a certain person at all, as there
is enough place for everybody; this is only my point of view, and each
individual is free to choose whatever they wish to do in this respect, and can
test both paths.
are my contact details for whoever is interested in talking further about Yoga-
even simple queries- I can be contacted via the phone or online.
I wish
you all the best!
Trainer Yoga: Emanuel, Harmony Yoga Founder
Contact details:
email: emytraineryoga@gmail.com