luni, 13 noiembrie 2017

How Every Man on This Planet is Practicing Yoga Daily (I)

How Every Man on This Planet is Practicing Yoga Daily (I)
         Yes, that's what I intend to prove to you! Whether or not you have heard about Yoga, or whether you practice it or not, you, every one of us, all the people on this planet, is practicing, daily, Yoga. Moreover, at very advanced level! Unfortunately, most people do this Yoga practice unconsciously, especially when sleeping! Yes, when we sleep! This is an obvious!
         We all know that we can live without food for about 40 days, without water for a few days, without breath for a few minutes, and without sleep, after a few days we begin to hallucinate... Practically from water and food we take the nutrients needed to maintain the life of the physical body, and breathing brings us from the outside, the prana and the oxygen necessary for the maintenance of the physical body. What do we get through sleep from inside of us?! Through sleep, we return our own selves, daily, to the source of life that is Divinity! You want it or not, every one of us does it! Through sleep, the masks of our personality fall, one by one, and we revisit for a few seconds or minutes, depending on our level of spiritual evolution, at the source of our life, the Divine Self, the heart of God! 
     In those minutes we live the last state of Yoga, the state of Samadhi, of ecstatic fusion with God daily! This ecstasy is so total and powerful that it loads us, resets us, gives us energy and enthusiasm for a new day! That is why we all like sleep so much. That is why in the morning we wake up with the smile on our lips, reconciled with ourselves, quiet, calm, full of harmony and goodwill! 
    In the meantime, we are looking for this exaltation, this communion with the Divine Assiduous and during the day, through the amorous ecstasy, lived as animal sex or beatific love! That is why we're all looking for and yearn for Eros so much, especially when it lasts, with many orgasms through which we live ecstasy, after ecstasy, the very communion with the intensity of divine life in us! We still touch it somewhat when we are happy, when we have a desire, an intense aspiration! But all of this is mediated by our level of conscious spirituality of the ego! That's why everybody touches him as much as he or she knows and  can... 
      While sleeping, our consciousness, our personality and our mind is gradually absorbed by the consciousness of the Supramental and the Divine Self in each of us! It is true that every man dreams, but not all of his sleep. Dreaming at the beginning and end of the sleeping period. Normally, between 2 am and 4 am each of us descended at a time, so deep within us, we meditated so intensely that we touch those where theta, delta, gamma can be measured scientifically and we live that state of samadhi, of communion with the Divine! 
        At the beginning of sleep we begin by preparing ourselves for sleep - we turn off the light in the sleeping room - everyone knows that you can not sleep deeply and restlessly if there is a light source in the room and we cannot release certain hormones like melatonin e.g. Then we lie in bed, cover our body with blankets, do not be cold overnight, put our heads on the pillow or under the pillow and even if we still sleep with someone else in bed, we are conveniently looking for our favorite position where we fall asleep most well - this is really a certain posture, so we do the stage of Hatha Yoga! Breathing begins to become easier, the inspiration begins to become shorter, and expiration longer - this is the stage of Pranayama. (Here, a simple exercise for those who want to sleep quickly is to focus on exhaling and in a few minutes to fall asleep). 
       We continue the process of withdrawing attention from the outside environment towards our innermost, especially towards the region of the head and the heart. This is the stage of the withdrawal of the senses - called Yoga - Pratyahara. Simultaneously, we close our eyes, and, if we are careful, the eyeballs go spontaneously and remain so towards the center of the forehead or towards the direction of the fountain - as if it were overhead, only here it is oriented in a slightly convergent strabismus to the last two higher energy centers of the being - Ajna and Sahashrara chakra - the process of resorption of individual consciousness into supramental consciousness is accentuated - this is the Dharana stage - of concentration on the state without thoughts, on the present state of pure being. Already our consciousness has now descended to the heart and we have already entered our sleep. 
        If we are curious, we can try during the day to turn our eyes crossed to the middle of the forehead and we will see that after a few tens of seconds this inner gesture gets us tired and we give it up quickly. But this gesture, this unconscious mudra we also do when we live the orgasm, and our native energy and instinct urge us to enjoy the ecstasy by pointing the eyeballs upwards, from where it comes to life. It is important to remember that man is manifested in the act of creation from the top down, from Sahasrara to Muladhara, from the purest light to matter, from the causative world to the physical world! Here is our salvation as well:) 
       Then we begin the Dhyana level periplus, we start a meditation of over two hours, in which we start out the events of the day, the subconscious opens and in the dream world operates in its archetypal language of symbols. Gradually, the consciousness of the ego is melted, fascinated and expanded into the consciousness of the soul, of the heart, which, in this phase, is united with the consciousness of superhero, supramental. Relaxation and meditation become so profound that we open up and gradually abandon ourselves to the Divine Self from within us and we unite with our divine essence for a few minutes and live the state of Samadhi! 
         During this time, involuntary reflexes relax in the body, organ functions slow down, stomach digestion slows down, and the subconscious turns the body from time to time on one side or the other, so that the stagnant energies are balanced by breathing and breathing prana, so the vayuses, the subtle breaths to the chakras - we alternate an hour and a half, 90 minutes on a nostril, on a polarity of the being, on a cerebral hemisphere - so that our chakras balance as well, that all the energies of our being return to the upward, to the Divine Self, and are blown up and balanced by the fusion and the gigantic energy we receive from God for a new day, so that in the morning we wake up to that unmistakable state of well, self-confidence, love for life. (An eloquent example is if we suddenly wake up any person who sleeps right at these intervals of the night and ask him what he calls - first of all he would be scared to take him out of a dear place and I suddenly bring him into this physical world and he should take a few moments to remember his name. But first he would have the feeling he is and then he would say he's x or y name). 
       Then, because we do not have the necessary awakening level of our spiritual consciousness, we begin to detach from the state of Samadhi and go through the stages in the opposite direction, the ego regaining its symbols, images, purposes, masks, etc. And all these new stages are instinctively accomplished from birth to the end of our lives, daily, without effort, without our ego staging or controlling them, we know natively how to move from one stage to another without any explanation, technique or guidance. 
       Through Yoga, we can learn to make these steps consciously. We can go through these stages in a conscious manner. It is known that the great Himalayan yogi masters never sleep, but only meditate overnight. But this process takes years and is based on the techniques of Hatha yoga and Pranayama that have been personally and perseveringly performed for the rhythm of each and every one of us, they awaken our subtle chakras, gaining an increased inner energy through the control of Pranamaya Kosha - al our body of bioenergy, which then sustains the expansion of our consciousness and the awakening and use of the other subtle bodies of our being, Vijnanamaya kosha and Anandamaya kosha, the bodies of the supramental and of the body of light in the astral and causal world. 
          Then, we will increasingly stabilize the level of consciousness in these subtle bodies that will pour immense effusions of beatitude and energy into our physical body! From this level you can understand the karma and the dharma of the world, the ego and future of humanity, you can become a spiritual master, a healer, a clairvoyant, a road opener or new spiritual currents. You are on the path that transforms a Bodhisattva into a Bodhidharma, an avadutha in an avatar, a man in an archetypal androgynous. 
         So, here is how every man on this earth is doing Yoga daily and on a very advanced level, because we are all the creation of the Divine, in a world created by the Divine! Each of us has the seven chakras, each one of us breathes, we live our own sexuality, our own purpose, our own karma and dharma on this earth, in this life that is given to us by the Creator in His immense Love! I will continue to demonstrate in the following articles how each person practices Yoga through breathing, sexuality, concentration, etc. daily, more or less consciously, but in a very natural, spontaneous, unique and profound way. And before any other Yoga, each man and woman practices Harmony Yoga, Yoga of Harmony - every day we try to achieve a balance and harmony between our own being in relation to the harmony of life, the other fellow, and the universe, in a direct relationship with our Divine Creator.
Trainer Yoga, Emanuel!
Harmony Yoga Founder

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